Bluepath Robotics aimed to showcase its advanced technologies and introduce this process to members of the press during the factory opening. The company approached us to design a strong event that would present their autonomous mobile robots and industrial automation solutions to the industry while appealing to media and sector professionals.
While planning the event, we developed a comprehensive program to capture the interest of media and industry professionals. To ensure an impactful experience, we decided to organize a factory tour. During the tour, stations were set up where the working processes of autonomous mobile robots could be observed closely. Additionally, a press release was prepared in collaboration with Bluepath executives, detailing the company’s industry solutions and future plans. Invitations were sent to targeted media outlets, and a thorough communication strategy was implemented before the event.
The event garnered significant interest from both industry professionals and the media. Members of the press gained detailed insights into the high-tech structure of the factory and the functioning of autonomous mobile robots. This effort not only highlighted Bluepath Robotics’ position in the industry but also received extensive media coverage. Following the event, many industry magazines and news platforms emphasized the company’s innovation capabilities. The event successfully enhanced Bluepath’s brand perception and laid the groundwork for establishing new business connections.